Celebrating National Physical Therapy Month #AgeWellMeg Hodson2023-03-22T08:25:52-07:00October 12, 2015|
Northwest Symposium: Another Amazing Continuing Education Event!Meg Hodson2023-03-22T08:25:58-07:00March 17, 2015|
HHS Announces Timeline for Transition from Fee-for-Service to Value-Based Payment ModelsMeg Hodson2023-03-22T08:25:59-07:00February 10, 2015|
Influencing Therapy through Transtheoretical Stages of ChangeMeg Hodson2023-03-22T08:25:59-07:00January 23, 2015|
IMPACT Act and the Changing Landscape of Post-Acute TherapyMeg Hodson2023-03-22T08:25:59-07:00December 8, 2014|