Question: Where else can you learn new clinical information to help you become a better professional, connect with fellow colleagues, establish new professional connections, forge new friendships, and party the night away with gambling and dancing all in the span of 28 hours?

Answer: The Infinity Rehab NW Symposium!

March 14 – 15 marked our 10th annual NW Symposium and based on the feedback, it will go down as our best ever. I’m still smiling as I reflect upon the numerous opportunities I had to talk with so many of my colleagues that I have not seen in a long while and the opportunity to meet many of you for the first time. I enjoyed sitting in on several of the courses offered during the weekend, which served to only reinforce my belief in how important the care you provide each day really is to our patients and facilities and how, as therapists, we are uniquely qualified to help patients achieve the best possible clinical outcomes.

Here is a quick summary of the NW Symposium “by the numbers:”

  • 655 total therapists in attendance
  • 27 vendors showcasing their products and services
  • 7,860 continuing education contact hours provided!
  • ~50 gallons of coffee consumed (a wired bunch!)
  • INFINITY lasting memories!

For all of you that attended, I thank you for supporting this important event and I hope that each of you realizes as much value from it as I do each year. If you have never attended or have not in a while, I highly recommend attending a future Symposium. Either way, mark your calendars for 2016: May 21 – 22.

I would also like to thank again the Infinity symposium planning committee and the many home office employees that put in countless hours preparing for and/or volunteering at the event. This event would not happen without their efforts.


Mike Billings

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