October is known for many things: Fall, football, Halloween and everyone’s favorite, cybersecurity! Yes, that’s right, October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month.  This is a great time to think about security for work and at home as we head into the holiday season.

Cyber-attacks frequently hide in seasonal messages and cyber threats are continuously evolving.  This year the bad guys are using AI to create more advanced phishing messages and tools to circumvent security measures.  To help you and Infinity Rehab stay ahead of them, awareness is key. We’re always working hard on protecting the company systems, helping you maintain our compliance with HIPAA and privacy for our patients.  It’s also time to think about security for your personal phones and computers.

For this month, we’d like to remind you to think about a couple things for your personal security and company security:

  • Watch out for phishing emails and texts trying to get you to react and share information – these can lead to ransomware, scams, and other malicious attacks.
  • Remember to protect personal health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII). HIPAA requires us to protect patient information and its often up to us to protect our own information. When sending emails that contain PHI or PII, please type SECURE in the email subject line so the email will be sent with encryption.
  • If you suspect that an email may not be legitimate, try contacting the sender directly to verify. DO NOT click on the “from” address in the email.  Send a separate email to the sender by typing in the email address.

Please keep an eye out and report security incidents, suspicious activity, or security questions to the IT department.  Stay Safe!


For NetHealth support, note that Prime Care only handles password reset requests for NetHealth. Requests for changes in user setup or user security access should go through the IT department. If something is not working correctly or you are receiving error messages in NetHealth, contact NetHealth support.

Please use the contact information below for any IT support needs.

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