Infinity Rehab was a thought leadership sponsor at the 2022 Skilled Nursing News Therapy Summit. Our very own Patty Scheets, VP of Quality and Compliance, presented “Physical Performance is More Important Than Medical Diagnosis When Predicting Rehabilitation Outcome.”

In this webinar:

  • Patty shares results of a large-scale performance improvement project including robust data analytics 
  • Learn about the characteristics of different groups of rehabilitation patients in skilled nursing 
  • Know the factors that are important in determining their responsiveness to rehabilitation 
  • Know the implications for treatment selection and application 
  • Discover the impact on inter-disciplinary planning and care transitions 

Webinar summary

Practitioners in skilled nursing know that not all patients respond equally to rehabilitation. As a result, identifying the factors that influence outcome would be beneficial as guidance for selection of interventions, discharge planning, and overall case management. While medical diagnosis is generally used as the first-tier factor when studying rehabilitation interventions and outcome, it may be insufficient for these purposes.

The purpose of this presentation is to share the results of a large-scale performance improvement project including robust data analytics. Through this data lens, participants will learn about the characteristics of different groups of rehabilitation patients in skilled nursing, the factors that are important in determining their response to rehabilitation, and the implications for treatment selection and application, and the impact on inter-disciplinary planning and care transitions.

Note: a video series of this webinar is coming soon, but you can watch Patty’s full presentation below.

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