Sometimes age succeeds, sometimes it fails. It depends on you. ~Ravensara Noite
Indeed, seniors are showing that modifying their behavior can greatly impact the effects of aging. New studies on aging suggest that seniors who stay active both physically and socially live up to 20% longer.
“When people hear these statistics, they are really surprised,” said Wendy Jones, an Infinity Rehab physical therapist who serves as an outpatient rehab coordinator at The Springs at Tanasbourne. “They don’t realize that staying active is only part of the key to successful aging. Social life plays a huge part in how people age.”
Recently, Wendy provided some tips on Successful Aging to a group of seniors at the Baby Boomers Expo in Portland, Oregon. In her presentation, Wendy provided these insights about factors that impact your quality of life as you age:
1 – Maintain a positive mental attitude. Doing so will boost the body’s immune system, reduce physical and emotional difficulties, decrease pain, raise energy levels, and decrease stress – the leading cause of age-related disease.
2 – Mental aerobics are as important as physical aerobics. Cross train your brain by working crossword puzzles, reading, taking college courses, learning a new language, learning to play a musical instrument or playing games.
3 – Follow a regular exercise program that includes strengthening / resistance, stretching / flexibility, aerobic / endurance and balance.
4 – Be sure to engage socially by participating in activities you enjoy with family/friends. A few ideas include senior center classes, book club, walking group, knitting group, and meeting for coffee/meals or theatre.
Added Wendy, “Getting together with friends while engaging in physical activity seems to provide ‘double bonus points’ against physical and cognitive decline.”
In addition to presenting at the Baby Boomers Expo in Portland, Oregon, Wendy leads a weekly exercise class at The Springs.
The wisdom of Wendy’s advice is obvious in the success stories of the class participants. For example, after regularly attending Wendy’s classes for approximately three months, Ms. S was able to move from assisted living to independent living thanks to her exercise regime.
Ms. K, another one of her exercise class attendees, reported, “My daughter said she noticed that I’m standing up straighter since I’ve been exercising with you.”
“This wonderful group proves week after week that there is strength in numbers!” said Wendy. For more information on Wendy’s presentation and/or on Infinity Rehab’s outpatient services contact Laura Cantrell, Director of Outpatient Therapy.