Quality Report

Our annual report highlights company outcomes and awards as well as amazing stories from our teams.

Quality Report

Our annual report highlights company outcomes and awards as well as amazing stories from our teams.

2021 Infinity Rehab Quality Report

Find out what makes us stand out in the 2021 edition of our Quality Report!

Our team made great strides in the healthcare and rehabilitation industry, even through a pandemic that changed the healthcare world. Read heartwarming stories and a message from occupational therapist Division President JoLynn Munro, see what we’ve accomplished, and much more! Get a snapshot of Infinity Rehab’s achievements in one booklet.

2024 Infinity Rehab Quality Report

Find out what makes us stand out in our annual Quality Report!

The 2024 edition of the annual quality report is a summary of 2023 data, including number of employees, states, locations, patient visits, lives enhanced, awards, a message from President Mike Billings, quality updates, and employee stories of milestones and accomplishments.

Infinity Rehab 2024 Quality Report

2020 Infinity Rehab Quality Report

Our 2020 edition of the Quality Report is also available.

Look back at team member stories, awards and achievements, and our outstanding clinical outcomes. Year after year, we are proud to share our results.

2023 Infinity Rehab Quality Report

Our 2023 edition of the Quality Report is also available.

Look back at team member stories, awards and achievements, and our outstanding clinical outcomes for the calendar year 2022. Year after year, we are proud to share our results.

Looking for an earlier version of the Quality Report?

Fill out our contact form to request a copy.

Quality Report Request

Looking for an earlier version of the quality report?

Fill out our contact form to request a copy.

Quality Report Request