Address warning signs of fall risk 

Infinity Rehab understands that falls are the leading cause of injury in older adults. There are triggers and warning signs of the increased risk for falls; often these risks are in the homes of seniors or it is something they notice personally. Warning signs for increased risk include: difficulty standing, loss of balance, uneven flooring, difficulty getting in and out of bed, poor lighting, and reliance on walkers or lift chairs.  

Prevent falls with therapy 

Infinity Rehab at Home helps seniors maintain their vitality and reduce fall risk. Infinity Rehab at Home provides therapy services right in the comfort of patient and resident homes. This program allows seniors to receive therapy whose physicians recommend therapy services. Patients get the rehabilitation they need from trusted therapists who provide outstanding patient care. It’s a cost-effective way for patients to restore function at home and reduce the risk of falling. 

Recovering from a fall 

Seniors who suffer from pain, reduced strength, poor balance and vision, and other impairments due to a fall can get therapy from Infinity Rehab at Home to assist in their recovery to regain their strength and get back to doing what they love. Contact us to schedule an appointment today. In most cases, therapy is covered by insurance. 

Reduce Your Fall Risk with Therapy


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