To assist you in preparing for PDPM, Infinity Rehab wants to inform you of a CMS release that will impact you.

Important PDPM Updates

CMS has released the updated MDS-RAI manual for October 1, 2019. The PDF file labeled “MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.17 October 1, 2019” is now available on the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual webpage. CMS acknowledges that additional updates may be made prior to October 1, 2019.
Chapters in the new MDS-RAI manual that are related to PDPM include:

  • Chapter 2, which addresses the new PDPM-related MDS assessments and assessment schedule
  • Chapter 6, which addresses the new PDPM resident classification process for PDPM
  • Section I for the new diagnosis items
  • Section J for the surgery type that will impact PT and OT classification
  • Section Z for the new PDPM HIPPS codes


We’re here to help you navigate PDPM

Infinity Rehab’s approach is to provide confidence that you will be prepared for the new payment model. We will partner with you to develop a strategy that is individualized to your specific market. Lastly, we will identify clinical and operational opportunity for your business to thrive during this industry change.
Infinity Rehab will continue to provide you the most current information on regulatory changes that impact your business.

Visit our website and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more PDPM updates and resources.

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