Artwork created by Infinity Rehab therapists was on display and up for auction at the 13th annual Sunny Vista Art Show.Especially notable was work by Jeff Waguespack, Physical Therapist, Director of Rehab at Sunny Vista, had two pieces in the final show. One of them won the “People’s Choice” award as voted by all of the show participants, and the other received an Honorable Mention by the judge. Additionally, Jeff donated a piece into the auction, valued at $1,100, which was purchased by Infinity Rehab therapist Jan Ostop, Speech-Language Pathologist.
The Sunny Vista Art Show is a juried art show and is well respected in the Colorado art community. 180 pieces were entered, while only 120 made it into the final show. All of the art is for sale with 25 percent of the sale price going directly to the nursing home residents at Sunny Vista.
Congrats to Jeff on the accolades and thank you to the community at Sunny Vista for putting on and supporting such a wonderful event!

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