Our Shining Star this issue is Leann Hall. Leann works at our home office as an HR Specialist. Leann received three nominations recently!

First Nomination:

Leann was nominated by three people! Here is what they all had to say.

With all the changes in the past few weeks, it has left Leann as the lone HR specialist. She has patiently trained Morgan, Derek, and now Lamonika on the duties of an HR Specialist. She has made it fun, and I often hear laughter coming from the HR room. She listens, explains, and encourages questions.

Along with her HR requirements, Leann is always willing to help others in home office, displaying her true team player attitude. No matter the request, she is always willing to help.

Every team needs glue to hold them together. Leann is the glue. Always willing to listen, laugh, and hug when ever anyone needs it.

Second Nomination:

Leann is greatly skilled at many things. First and foremost, listening and asking questions to better understand. Being excited about working in HR that she has taken the time to become thoroughly knowledgeable.

At one point Leann was the only HR person, which was extremely stressful i am sure. Leann kept a positive upbeat attitude. When the new folks started, she jumped into training with a great attitude, caring and humor

Leann cares strongly about ethics and following the HR values of Infinity. It shows in how she works and interacts with Infinity employees each day.

Third Nomination:

Leann Hall is extremely competent at her job. She is always very helpful when I need assistance.

Leann has recently had to work under difficult conditions without much help and has also taken on the duty of training new employees.

Leann has done a great deal of work beyond her job and also maintained a good attitude during this time. Kudos!



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