Infinity Rehab values the unique contributions of every employee. Workplace recognition motivates our teams and makes employees feel valued for their work.

Our Culture of Caring initiative is a dedicated program used to recognize team members for the work they do. Some ways that managers will be able to honor a teammate include:

  • A personalized note (cards are available from the home office)
  • A small gift of appreciation
  • Host a team lunch
  • Recognize a work anniversary or special event, like the birth of a child
  • Nominate someone in our Shining Star program

One of the easiest ways to honor a teammate is through the use of our Recognition Done Right form. This form recently got a refresh and is available on Springboard here. It’s a quick, easy way to show a colleague you appreciate them.

Our Culture of Caring initiative has an ambassador program, where specific employees are assigned to our regions to help build awareness around our Culture of Caring, answer questions, provide resources, and encourage all of us to pay it forward. You may be contacted by one soon!

Still unsure what exactly is our Culture of Caring? Download our Culture of Caring manager guidelines and watch our short animated video below to learn more and get inspired.

Culture of Caring Guidelines and Suggestions

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