On December 20, 2022, Congress released its year end FY 2023 Omnibus Appropriations bill (as an amendment to HR 2617) with a price tag of $1.7 trillion. Notable items of concern to therapy providers include:

  • Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS): partial funding of 2.5% to increase the CY 2023 Conversion Factor and 1.25% to increase the CY 2024 Conversion Factor. The CMS final rule for CY 2023 reduced the Conversion Factor by 4.47%;
  • Telehealth: a two-year extension of the telehealth flexibilities including ones therapy practitioners have used during the PHE – these will be available through December 31, 2024;
  • PAYGO: this 4% cut has been delayed for FY 2023

While we are disappointed that the full MPFS Conversion Factor was not restored, we are appreciative that we are not facing a 4.47% reduction going into CY 2023. We would like to thank everyone who was able to reach out to their Congressional members and share your story and your patient’s stories. Our advocacy does end with this Omnibus bill! In 2023, we will continue to advocate for the financial stability of therapy providers and their patients access to care.

The expectation is that this year-end appropriations bill would be voted on by the Senate this Thursday. It would then go to the House and be voted on by the House on Friday. Once it has been approved by the House it will go to President Biden for signing into law.

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