The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule for CY 2025 decreases reimbursement for physical, occupational, and speech therapy providers by 2.83%. This cut is due to the expiration of Congressional action earlier this year that reduced the CY 2024 planned 3.4% cut to 1.69%. Since 2021, the rehabilitation industry has endured a nearly 9% reduction in reimbursement rates. When combined with the cuts for CY 2025 and cumulative reductions since 2011, therapy providers face an alarming 40% total decrease in reimbursement. These cuts in conjunction with continued staffing shortages and high inflation are causing a reduction of available services by providers, creating significant access-to-care challenges for beneficiaries. We need Congress to once again take action to support legislation to provide relief to therapy providers in CY 2025.

Additionally, the telehealth flexibilities therapy providers have been using since the COVID-19 public health emergency will expire on December 31, 2024, without action from Congress. Please urge your legislators to support The Expanded Telehealth Access Act (H.R. 3875/S. 2880).

Please ask your Congressional Members to act now to stop this payment cut and extend the telehealth flexibilities for rehabilitation therapy providers!

Click the link below to access a pre-written letter (which you can edit) to send to your Congressperson. You do not need to be a member of any of the discipline-specific organizations to complete these forms. All clinicians across all disciplines can use these forms to advocate for this act.


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